TFT Set 9 Patch 13.16 brings a lot of changes and new compositions to the game. In this guide, we will discuss the top-tier compositions and provide strategies to help you succeed in this patch. It is important to wait a day or two for the meta to settle before jumping into ranked games, as the initial impressions may not always hold true.

S Tier Compositions:

  1. Challengers - This composition revolves around Yasuo and Kai’Sa as carries. It is a flexible composition that can pivot into other comps in the late game. Key items for this comp include Spirit Shojin on Kai’Sa and Deathblade on Yasuo.

  2. Deadeye - With the recent buffs to Aphelios, Deadeye comps have become strong. This comp focuses on Aphelios and Urgot as carries. Tank items are essential for Sejuani to protect the high-damage carries. Deathblade and Edge of Night are excellent items for Yasuo or Urgot.

  3. Bastion of Aphelios - This comp is all about making Aphelios as powerful as possible. Double Rageblade and Deathblade synergize well with Aphelios’ abilities. Taric and Soraka provide excellent utility, keeping the team alive.

  4. Demacia - This composition revolves around Master Yi, Garen, and Poppy as the main carries. Rageblade and Bloodthirster are must-have items for Garen, as they provide both damage and sustain. Having a protector’s shield on Jarvan IV is also important.

  5. Shadow Isles - This comp relies on having the Shadow Isles emblem. It is a powerful composition that excels in the late game. Hecarim, Thresh, and Yorick are the main carries in this comp. Adding Senna to the mix provides additional shielding for the team.

  6. Ionia Yasuo - This comp combines Ionia and Challenger traits. It requires six Ionia units and four Challenger units. Yasuo and Karma are the primary carries in this comp. It is important to have good itemization for both Yasuo and Karma.

A Tier Compositions:

  1. Ionia Shadow Isles - This comp relies on the Shadow Isles emblem. It is a strong late-game composition that is capable of dominating the battlefield. Adding Senna to the mix increases the shielding potential of the team.

  2. Noxus Shirima Strategist- This comp is strong in the early game and can transition well into the late game. It requires a Noxus emblem and Azir as the primary carry. Adding Swain to the comp provides additional synergy.

B Tier Compositions:

  1. Kale-Riven Echo Reroll - This comp focuses on Riven and Echo as the primary carries. It is a high-risk, high-reward comp that relies on rerolling to find the necessary units.

  2. Zed Rogue Double Trouble - This comp revolves around Zed and Shen as the primary carries. It is a versatile comp that requires a bit of versatility and adaptability to succeed.

C Tier Compositions:

  1. Multicaster - This comp is not as strong as the others in this patch. It requires good positioning and decision-making to be successful. It is important to focus on itemization and positioning to maximize the potential of this comp.

In this patch, Legends are crucial in compositions, and it is important to know how to utilize each legend effectively. Earth is a popular choice among top players due to its flexibility. Earth allows players to pivot into different comps based on the items they receive from the Tome.

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Overall, Set 9 Patch 13.16 brings exciting changes and new compositions to Teamfight Tactics. It is crucial to stay updated with the meta and adapt your strategy accordingly. With proper planning and execution, you can climb the ladder and achieve success in this patch. Good luck and enjoy the game!