In the ever-evolving world of SMITE Season 10, players are constantly looking for new strategies and builds to gain a competitive edge. One particular god that has been making waves in the community is Jing Wei, a versatile ADC with the potential to dominate the battlefield. In this article, we will delve into the power of Jing Wei with a crit build and uncover the secrets to her success.

Understanding the Aggression Mechanism

Before diving into the intricacies of Jing Wei’s crit build, it is crucial to have a firm understanding of the aggro mechanism in SMITE. When playing Jing Wei, mastering the art of aggro manipulation can give you a significant advantage in engagements. For instance, if you pull a monster or minion and do not attack it for a few seconds, the next player to hit it will be targeted by the aggro. This knowledge becomes vital when dealing with neutral monsters such as harpies or jungle buffs.

Step 1: Building for Success

To maximize Jing Wei’s potential with a crit build, it is essential to construct your items wisely. Start with the Berserker’s Shield, providing you with the necessary sustain and early damage. Follow it up with Ninja Tabi for increased attack speed, further enhancing Jing Wei’s crit potential.

Next, invest in The Executioner, a vital penetration item that allows you to shred through your enemies’ defenses. This will magnify the effectiveness of your crits and ensure that no enemy goes unscathed. Building into Rage and Wind Demon will solidify your crit-focused build, significantly increasing your overall damage output.

To round off your build, add in Deathbringer for the final touch of crit damage. This item’s passive effect guarantees that your crit hits will unleash devastating blows, leaving your enemies in awe of Jing Wei’s power.

Step 2: Mastering the Gameplay

Once you have optimized your build, it is time to put it to the test on the battlefield. Jing Wei’s agility is her greatest asset, allowing her to maneuver swiftly around the map and engage or disengage with ease. Utilize her mobility to position yourself advantageously and deliver devastating crit hits to unsuspecting foes.

Communication and teamwork are key in SMITE, and Jing Wei’s ult can be a game-changer when used effectively. Coordinate with your team to execute strategic plays, whether it be engaging the enemy head-on or making a swift escape. Remember, your versatility as Jing Wei is your greatest strength, so adapt your gameplay accordingly.

Step 3: Conquering the Map

As a Jing Wei player, it is essential to have a strong sense of map awareness. Keep an eye on all lanes and objectives, providing assistance where necessary. A well-timed rotation can turn the tide of battle and secure victory for your team.

When it comes to laning, prioritize farm and poke your opponents while maintaining a safe distance. Jing Wei’s passive ability, Rapid Reincarnation, grants her a second chance at life when she would typically die. Exploit this passive by being more aggressive in fights and capitalizing on opportunities to secure kills.

Step 4: Domination in Team Fights

Once the mid and late game stages arrive, team fights become increasingly important. Jing Wei shines in team fights due to her high burst damage potential with crit hits. Position yourself away from the frontline and use your crit strikes to quickly eliminate squishy targets.

Coordinate with your support and other team members to set up crucial plays. Your agility and burst damage can turn the tide of team fights in your favor, securing objectives and ensuring victory for your team.

The Future of Jing Wei in SMITE

As the SMITE Season 10 progresses, the meta and strategies will inevitably evolve. However, the power of Jing Wei with a crit build will likely continue to be a force to be reckoned with. Her agility, burst damage, and potential for outplay make her a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

So, if you’re looking to dominate the ranked queue or impress your friends with your in-game prowess, give Jing Wei with a crit build a try. Master the art of aggro manipulation, optimize your item build, and utilize her mobility to assert your dominance in SMITE Season 10. See you on the battlefield, god slayers!