Are you a fan of retro gaming? Do you miss the classic games from the Sharp X68000 system? Well, look no further because in this tutorial video, we will show you how to set up and run the Sharp X68000 emulator on Retroarch. Retroarch is a powerful emulator that allows you to play various retro gaming systems on your modern device. So, let’s get started with this step-by-step guide.

Installing the Emulator and BIOS Files

Before we dive into the setup process, let’s make sure we have all the necessary files. You will need the emulator ROM files and the BIOS files for the Sharp X68000 system. You can find these files easily in the video description below. Once you have downloaded the files, unzip them using a tool like 7-Zip.

Next, open the Retroarch folder on your device. Inside the folder, locate the “systems” subfolder. Create a new directory named “k-e-r-o-p-i” and place the BIOS files inside this folder. These BIOS files are the firmware files required for the emulation process.

Obtaining Game Files

Now that we have the emulator and BIOS files set up, it’s time to download the game files for the Sharp X68000 system. You can find these game files in various places, including the video description. You can either download the games individually or download a collection of files from a single source.

One popular website where you can find games for the Sharp X68000 system is “” This website provides an extensive collection of games and programs specifically designed for the Sharp X68000. Simply browse through the available options and download the games or programs that interest you.

Organizing Game Files

After downloading the game files, it’s important to organize them properly for easy access. Create a directory named “emulators” in your C drive and place all your game files inside this folder. It’s recommended to keep each game file in its own separate folder for better organization.

Running Individual and Multiple Disk Games

Running individual game files is straightforward. Simply open Retroarch, go to “Load Content,” and select the game file you want to play. The emulator will load the game, and you can start playing immediately.

For multiple disk games, you can create a “.m3u” file to simplify the process. Open a text editor like Notepad, copy the contents of the first disk’s filename, and save it as a “.m3u” file. Repeat this process for each disk in the game. Now, you can simply open the “.m3u” file in Retroarch, and the emulator will automatically load all the disks in the correct order.

Configuring Retroarch

At this point, you should be able to run the games smoothly. However, there are some additional configurations you can make in Retroarch to enhance your gaming experience. In Retroarch’s options menu, you can adjust settings such as CPU speed and RAM allocation. Most games and programs will run best with a CPU speed set to “2” and the RAM set to its maximum value.

You can also configure Retroarch to emulate floppy disk swapping. This allows you to switch between floppy disks as needed during gameplay. Alternatively, you can use the “.m3u” method mentioned earlier, which simplifies the process of switching disks.


That’s it for this tutorial on setting up and running the Sharp X68000 emulator on Retroarch. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should now be able to enjoy your favorite games from the Sharp X68000 system on your modern device. Remember to organize your game files properly, and don’t forget to explore the various configurations and options available in Retroarch for a personalized gaming experience.

If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Thank you for watching, and happy retro gaming!