As an expert Smite player with experience playing at the Masters plus ranked level, I have compiled a list of the top five performing ADC’s at the Diamond Plus ranked level. This list is based on a combination of win rates and personal experience. Surprisingly, there are a few Gods on this list that are performing exceptionally well, even though they are not typically played at the SPL level.

Starting off our list at number five is Izanami. While not commonly played in the SPL, Izanami excels in casual and ranked games. Her ability to clear waves quickly allows her to control the Duo Lane, putting pressure on the enemy team from the start. This gives her team an advantage and allows her to rotate and secure objectives. Izanami’s built-in penetration and fantastic ultimate make her a strong pick in the current meta.

Coming in at number four is Xbalanque. Despite being mocked for his ultimate’s lack of damage, Xbalanque has been performing exceptionally well in high-level ranked gameplay. His ultimate may not deal much damage, but it has a significant impact on team fights, providing three seconds of confusion and allowing assassins to dive the backline. Xbalanque also has the ability to buff his own attack speed and provide his allies with increased attack speed, making him a valuable asset in objective fights. His longer range also gives him an advantage in poke and wave clear scenarios.

Taking the third spot on our list is Hou Yi. Hailed as one of the best hunters in the game, Hou Yi’s performance has been consistently impressive. He is often picked in Duos Lane and is rarely banned. His kit offers a myriad of advantages, including a stun, attack speed buff, and the ability to hit enemies from longer range. Hou Yi’s team-based abilities make him a valuable asset in burning down objectives. His abilities synergize well with gods like Awilix and Poseidon, further increasing his impact in team fights.

Surprisingly, our second-place ADC is the only mage on this list, Freya. While not heavily picked, Freya’s performance numbers are soaring high. Her thick autos and pulse + irradiate combo make her an excellent duelist. The recent power changes to the rings have greatly benefited Freya, allowing her to output significant damage with her ring build. For those struggling with her early clear, using the Conduit Gem at level one can greatly improve her wave clear.

Finally, our top ADC is none other than Merlin. With one of the strongest kits in Smite, Merlin is arguably the best mid laner and ADC. In ranked play, it’s crucial to have a balance of physical and magical damage to ensure effective team composition. While Merlin shines in the mid lane, he performs exceptionally well as an ADC due to his passive and Soul Eater. The combination of these two items provides Merlin with incredible life steal, allowing him to heal fully off of jungle camps, minion waves, and even enemy gods. One thing to note is that anti-heal items are essential when facing Merlin, but most players in ranked fail to prioritize them.

In conclusion, these are the top five ADC’s that are consistently winning ranked Smite games. Izanami, Xbalanque, Hou Yi, Freya, and Merlin all offer unique strengths and advantages in their kits, making them powerful picks in the ADC role. It’s important to consider team composition and the current meta when selecting your ADC. However, these five gods have proven their worth and should not be overlooked in your ranked matches.