In this article, we will be discussing the highly anticipated Smite Hunter Tierlist for season 10. As an expert copywriter, I will provide a detailed breakdown of each hunter and their placement on the tierlist. We will also explore the different types of hunters, their builds, and their strengths and weaknesses.

Before we dive into the tierlist, it’s important to understand that there are two types of hunters: ability type hunters and auto-attack type hunters. Each type has its own unique builds and playstyles. Ability hunters prioritize power and penetration, while auto-attack hunters focus more on attack speed and critical hits.

Let’s start with AMC, an ability hunter. In season 10, power-penetration hunters like AMC have become more powerful due to buffs to items like Crusher. AMC excels at dealing high damage, but he is susceptible to ganks and lacks defense. He has strong lane clear and can bully opponents, but struggles in the late game. Therefore, AMC is placed in the A tier, as his effectiveness depends on the player’s skill and ability to avoid ganks.

Next up is Anhur, an auto-attack hunter. Anhur’s kit is average overall, with mediocre lane clear and ability power. His ultimate ability, while costly in terms of mana, lacks mobility and leaves him vulnerable to enemy attacks. While Anhur can be versatile and has the potential for good gameplay, he is still considered an average god in the hunter tierlist.

Moving on to Apollo, another auto-attack hunter, we find that his ultimate ability is what holds him back. It is costly in terms of mana and restricts his ability to split push effectively. Additionally, in late-game team fights, Apollo’s mobility creates a brief period of immobility upon landing, making him an easy target for enemy attacks. While his abilities have potential, Apollo is overshadowed by other hunters and needs some adjustments to be more viable.

Artemis, an auto-attack hunter, suffers from weak lane clear and struggles against power-clear gods like Izanami. While her late-game potential with an Aussie crit build is strong, she falls behind in the current mage ADC meta. This is due to the dominance of mage ADCs and high-power clear gods. As a result, Artemis is placed in the C tier in the tierlist.

Cernunnos, another auto-attack hunter, experienced a nerf in his base damage, affecting his lane clear and overall performance. While he can still box with other hunters effectively, the current meta favors high-damage junglers who can easily overpower him. Cernunnos is still a strong pick, but he has fallen slightly in the tierlist due to his weaker clear and struggles in the laning phase.

Moving on to Cupid, he is considered the weakest hunter in the current meta. He lacks power in the early game and struggles with both jungle clear and wave clear. Cupid’s only saving grace is his ultimate ability, which provides utility to the team. However, his overall effectiveness is limited, and he is placed in the C tier in the tierlist.

Now let’s discuss Chernobog, an ability-based hunter. Chernobog is a niche pick, but a powerful one. He excels in the mid to late game, with great potential for split-pushing and box-fighting assassins. While his early game is weaker compared to other hunters, he receives a buff in the latest patch to reduce his mana cost and improve his laning phase. Chernobog’s ultimate ability also offers significant playmaking potential, making him a high-tier pick in the mid to late game.

Lastly, we have Chiron, an ability hunter. Chiron benefits greatly from the power and penetration builds of ability hunters in season 10. His ability to one-shot enemies with his ultimate ability makes him a strong initiator in team fights. Chiron’s passive grants him extra power and sustain, making him a reliable and effective pick in the current meta. Due to his overall strength and potential, Chiron is placed in the A tier.

In conclusion, the Smite Hunter Tierlist for season 10 is as follows:

  • SS Tier: Chronos (Mage ADCs)
  • A Tier: AMC, Anhur, Apollo, Cernunnos, Chernobog, Chiron
  • C Tier: Artemis, Cupid

Each hunter has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to choose the right god based on your playstyle and the current meta. Experiment with different builds and strategies to find what works best for you. Good luck on the battleground of the gods!

If you’re looking for more in-depth information on hunter builds or any other Smite-related topics, feel free to check out my stream where I provide detailed guides and answer questions from viewers. Just type “exclamation point build” in the chat for access to all the information you need.